
Day Two

My second day is over and it’s been interesting. I had visits from one of my perinatologists and from my OB, and lots of nurses. The baby just does NOT want her heart rate monitored. The perinatologist determined that the amniotic fluid is around 4, which is what it was when this all started. His theory is that it’s always been at 4, but sometimes the umbilical cord can look like fluid. Kind of a bummer to hear that the positive progress we thought we were making is actually false. But, she is still growing in there and producing more fluid, so we’re just hoping she can benefit from it before it leaks out. The specialist thought that her chest cavity looked okay from most angles, but it occasionally looked tapered. That means that there is a possibility her lungs aren’t quite developing as they should (which we already knew), but the doc was quick to point out that the low fluid can impact the way sonograms work. Her lungs are our biggest fear. The doctors are cautiously optimistic considering how far we’ve come, so we hope that things can still keep going well. So Mike and I are going to keep on keeping on, we’ll do whatever it takes for our daughter. Anyway, because of her low fluid, her heart rate will constantly be monitored. When there is low amniotic fluid, odds go up that the baby can go into distress. When there is a lot of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord floats. When there is low fluid, the baby can lay on her own cord, cutting off her circulation. Lots to worry about. But we put that in the back of our minds.

Today Catherine surprised me with a morning visit, followed by my parents. We listend to the USC game on the radio as I don’t get Fox Sports Network on my TV here. Bummer! But it’s probably for the best since we stunk the game up. Mike came back in the evening to bring some dinner and Leah was here as well. The visits are great, they really help me get through the day in small bits. It’s hard for me to adjust to the pace of the hospital and all the poking and prodding, but I just have to remind myself that it’s all for the best. Hopefully the baby will stay on the heart monitor for most of the night, or I will be woken every time they come to find it. That will not make for a good night’s sleep.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran, Griddle Cakes, Decaf Coffee, Orange Juice
Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese, Steamed Broccoli, Fruit Cup, Iced tea
Dinner: Vegetable Soup, Rice, Summer Squash
Baskin Robbins Chocolate Chip Milk Shake, Kung Pao Shrimp, a black and white cookie from a deli in Brooklyn- thanks Kyle!!! My favorite New York cookie.

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