
she is clearly a big faker...

Just like a car that doesn't shake when you take it to the mechanic, Maddie was FINE when she was at the doctor. Not a cough or a chest rattle or anything. Her pediatrician said to monitor her, but she didn't show any signs of a bronchial or ear infection. I'm relieved but a little apprehensive because she sounded pretty bad this morning. Mike said she sounds a lot better now, though, so hopefully this morning was just a fluke.

1 comment:

Gemini Girl said...

Hi! always nice to be in touch with other preemie moms. Your daughter is beautiful. She was born two days before my daughters (they were born on 11/13/07 after 6 weeks of hospital bedrest) and were 10 weeks early. So glad she is doing fine now!\
Not an easy ride, but well worth it.